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Our Story
The Peacock complained to Juno, how hardly he was used to not having as good a voice as the Nightingale.
“That little bird”, says he, “charms every ear with his melody, while my hoarse screamings disgust everyone who hears them.”
The Goddess, concerned at the uneasiness of her favorite bird, answered him very kindly to this purpose: If the Nightingale be blessed with a fine voice, you have the advantage in terms of beauty and majesty of person.
Ah! said the Peacock, but what avails my silent unmeaning beauty, when I am so far excelled in voice?
The Goddess dismissed him with this advice: Consider that the properties of every creature were appointed by the decree of fate: to you beauty; strength to the Eagle; to the Nightingale a voice of melody; the faculty of speech to the Parrot; and to the Dove innocence. Each of these is contented with his own peculiar quality; and unless you have a mind to be miserable, you must learn to be so too.